Join Us For Open Gym
No Membership Required. No Reservation Required.
Open Gym
For Toddlers to Teens
Drop In! Public Welcome!
Open Gym is your opportunity to use the Twistars Gymnastics facility and gymnastics equipment in an unstructured setting.
Although Open Gym time is supervised by Twistars Staff, there is no organized class structure.
Children of all ages (up through age 23) are welcome to explore all the available equipment, play, practice and have a blast!
TumbleStar Time
All School Aged Children Welcome
Drop In! Public Welcome!
Parent supervision is required and will be strictly enforced for safety.
On most Fridays, Tumble Star Time is attended by pre-school children only. This is simply because most school aged children are in school.
However, we welcome all school aged children to attend Tumble Star time.
Got a day off from school? Come join us for some unstructured training or play time at Twistars.
Be sure to check our calendar for the most updated schedule of TumbleStar days and times available.
How It Works
Twistars Member Drop-in
It's super simple to drop-in for Open Gym....
- Check the calendar below to confirm our Open Gym schedule, it may change from time to time due to special events and unexpected circumstances.
- Come on into the gym anytime during Open Gym hours
- Show your Twistars Membership Card (non-expired)
- Submit your entrance fee - $7 per person for members ($10/non-member)
- Have Fun!
Non-Member Drop-in
There is no need to be a member of Twistars to participate in Open Gym. Here's what you need to do:
- Check the calendar below to confirm our Open Gym schedule, it may change from time to time due to special events and unexpected circumstances.
- Come on into the gym anytime during Open Gym hours
- Sign our participation waiver
- Submit your entrance fee - $10 per person for non-members ($7/member)
- Have Fun!
Memberships are purchased on an individual basis (not as a family).
Your Child Is A Twistars Member If...
- You purchased or renewed your child's $30 membership card after September 1st. (Cards expire the following August 31st.)
- Your child is a member if they are currently enrolled in a Twistars Recreational Class and your $30 membership fee has been paid in full.
- Your child is a member if they were enrolled in a recreational class anytime between September 1st and August 31st of the current membership year and their $30 membership fee was paid in full.
- Your child is a member if they are a current (or past) member of the Twistars Competitive Team and their annual membership fee has been paid in full for the current membership year (September 1st - August 31st).
Open Gym and Tumble Star Time is open to anyone age 23 or younger.
Absolutely! Parents and guardians are welcome to assist their child. However, due to rules imposed by our insurance company, you will not be permitted to use any of the gymnastics apparatus yourself if you are over the age of 23. Parents/guardians under the age of 23 who wish to participate in Open Gym must also complete a waiver and submit the Open Gym participation fee.
During the TumbleStar times, parent supervision is required and will be strictly enforced.
Proper attire for open gym would include any of the following:
- Shorts and a T-Shirt
- Leotard
Not suggested
- Leggings
- Cargo shorts or shorts with pockets that can get caught on equipment
Two Locations
In The Lansing Area
At The Summit

Twistars USA Gymnastics
The Summit Sports & Ice Complex
9410 Davis Hwy
Dimondale, MI 48821
(517) 322-0360

Get Directions in Google Maps
to the Dimondale location
located in The Summit Sports & Ice
At Clark Corners
Twistars USA Gymnastics
Clark Corners
1161 E. Clark Road, Suite 330
Dewitt, MI 48820
Phone: (517) 668-0805

Get Directions in Google Maps
to the DeWitt location
located in Clark Corners